About Pamela J. Alexander

Guiding You on the Path toward Greater Peace, Ease and Freedom
In retrospect it seems that my entire life has been a study of mindfulness, in preparation to work with someone like you – a conscious person, who has a certain nostalgia for the ease lost in the hustle and bustle of life, who wants to take control of their life and who is looking for an experienced partner to accompany them along the way.
My own process of aligning my life’s purpose with my daily reality began in earnest when four of what psychologists call the top five most stressful life events fell in succession like dominos: closing of my successful consulting company, to move to a new country for my ex’s new job, followed by the death of my brother, and then it all falling apart in divorce.
As the old familiar structures of my life fell away, I had no choice, but to rebuild despite all the unknowns, doubts, and fears that plagued me. Eventually I became aware of my own incredible capacity to heal, reinvent and realign within myself. And as I tapped more and more into these abilities, it taught me that every single one of us has them. If I can do it, you can do it too!
Ultimately, my personal journey of re-invention ignited my passion for guiding others who travel a similar path and help them along the way. One of the big lessons I learned: You don’t have to do it alone. We can walk together as you embark on the journey of balancing spirituality with practicality to create a life in alignment with who you are, or who you are becoming.
My expertise not only includes my personal experience, but spans multiple professional and educational disciplines too. I have 25+ years of successful executive leadership, coaching, and mentoring experience in Fortune 100 Companies. I’m a trained Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher. You can use my skill-sets, education, along with my highly developed intuition, to align all facets of your being with more ease: mentally, physically and spiritually. With all of this available to you, why go it alone?
I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley and received my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reductions (MBSR) Teacher’s credentials from University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness in collaboration with the Brown University School of Public Health.
As a teacher of mindfulness practices, wellness educator and community facilitator, I unite over 25 years of professional corporate leadership experience with education in evidence based mind-body programs and my unique gifts of intuition and empathy to support you as you create a life that is in alignment with your values, your life’s purpose, your hopes and dreams.